Cruise Hospitality Centre - Journeys to Excellence

Educational Journeys for The New Generation of Hospitality Talents Worldwide!

Cruise Hospitality Centre (CHC) is revolutionizing hospitality education by providing tailored training programs of cruise line management, to hospitality colleges and their students worldwide, as well as offering online and short cruise hospitality courses to new hire cruise line and recruitment agency candidates. Our innovative program, ‘Journeys to Excellence,’ includes a variety of cruise hospitality specific programs/modules that can integrate seamlessly into hospitality management degree curriculums or can be offered as standalone courses. By partnering with us, hospitality schools, cruise lines and recruitment agencies, can share in the revenue stream and benefit from our expertise in cruise hospitality operations and gain access to industry professionals as lecturers, delivering online, on-campus, or onboard training experiences.

Our “Journeys to Excellence” programs address the skill acquisition challenge faced by hospitality students and the lack of cruise management programs offered by hospitality schools around the world and provide essential training for potential first-time candidates/crew wishing to pursue a career at sea. With experienced industry professionals as lecturers, we offer in-campus, online, and onboard training options, giving students and potential crew members a firsthand experience of the cruise industry.  

CHC’s mission is to introduce the cruise hospitality world to the students of all Hospitality & Hotel management schools around the world and open the path for the new generation of hospitality talents, to careers in the cruise industry sector through partnerships with cruise lines and recruitment agencies, boosting international crew/employee retention for cruise organizations worldwide. 

Cruise Hospitality Centre revolutionises hospitality education practices, builds and develops the future luxury hospitality professionals, by giving the equal opportunity/choice to the students of hospitality to decide which career path they will take, land or sea…

Our vision is to be the leader in cruise hospitality education, with our programs offered worldwide. Join us in revolutionizing hospitality education and building the future luxury cruise hospitality professionals!


The Ultimate Cruise Experience

CHC’s scope is to be the leader in advancing excellence in the overall cruise experience for guests satisfaction and the equal career builder for cruise line staff. CHC strives to build networks among cruise lines, institutions and individuals, setting standards for cruise excellence for maximum guest satisfaction in the service and equal career opportunities for the cruise line staff as a prerequisite for professional career development.

This is achieved through CHC´s educational policy which is not engaged primarily in the production or marketing of educational courses or products, but it promotes dialogue, networking and the exchange of ideas & equally greater educational opportunities for all in the name of personal and International evolution, supporting the development of new methodologies, and use of new technologies.

CHC´s innovative structure also involves medical field practices and works towards the seafarers mental health sustainability offering telemedicine services to seafarers around the world when they are on their home away from home, at sea. CHC´s 20 years of experience in cruise business management has created a network of well established cruise organisations worldwide and leads the way through innovation in the academic field of Cruise Hospitality Management. Take Me to My Cruise Hospitality Journey

Certification & Accreditation

Cruise Hospitality Centre partners with hospitality schools in Switzerland and offers certifications for all courses!

We are very proud to be able to certify our students through our Cruise Hospitality Centre based in the United Kingdom and also collaborate with Swiss hospitality management schools offering further studies in Switzerland that lead to diplomas/certification.

Building & Developing the Future Talent for the Cruise Hospitality Industry worldwide!

Senior Professors​

CHIC´s professors are executive officers from luxury cruise lines and have been the pioneers of the the Journeys to Excellence Programs. Their expertise in invaluable and provide with in depth training about the cruise industry within. The teaching approach is friendly and customized; all participants are encouraged to find the best way forward for the achievement of their personal objectives.